What people say about us.


I highly recommend the deep spiritual growth and profound linking to self, Nature and world available through the work of Danny and Hélène. Amidst the often-crunched activities of daily living in today’s society, Danny and Helene’s Firekeeper Academy offers programs that can literally transform lives.

Academy participants can learn deeply, probe emotional intelligence, identify their real values. In this process, they can learn to reignite their inner fire, inspire others, lead with impact, and connect with Nature’s wisdom - and their own.

I’ve entered the world of the Firekeeper Academy and seen the portal it can open. I also feel both blessed and charmed by Danny and Hélène as the Academy’s founders. They’re in love with their work and the potential that awaits us - and humanity.

Check the offerings available. When you do, be open for growth - and adventure.

Stephen Oyer-Owens, Ph.D., Author, Professor, Chamberlain University - USA 

My experience with Firekeeper Academy, particularly with Danny and Hélène, has been transformative. They are masterful at allowing their presence and inner knowing to create a psychological safe space, in which to uncover deep inner wisdom. Their attunement to the evolution and potential of human consciousness shines through their explorative question.

Danny and Hélène’s presence is an invitation to evolve, discover, and unearth our innate wisdom, deeply connected to the wisdom of the earth. Through my interactions with them, I have come to understand my value as a steward of the earth and a catalyst for the evolution of human consciousness. Regardless of the positions I hold, that soul work is at the core of my being.

There is something both grounding and freeing in recognizing one’s purpose and witnessing its manifestation in all facets of life. Danny & Hélène have helped me embrace this journey, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.

Stephanie Hawkins, PhD -Assistant Vice Provost, Center for Well-Being
Strayer University - USA

I am happy to recommend Danny and Hélène for their services.

I have known them for a short time, but it feels like I have known them for a long time.

They are insightful, caring, experienced and they are happy to support anyones endevours to enhance there lives.

Scott J Brook, Esq
Mayor of Coral Springs, Florida.
President of the Florida League of Mayors - USA


The natural leadership program has been a coming home for me on a personal level and what I bring to the group. I have learned to get out of the way more and start listening. It helped me to shed some layers and break patterns that kept me stuck.

With a straightforward and honest approach Danny and Hélène have guided me to move through those layers, creating space to connect with my own fire, a place of honesty, purpose and clarity. It has helped me to grow trust in many ways. Within myself, in connection with others and towards the dream I’m working on.
Hanneke van der Heijden, Strategic Advisor Circular Economy, City of Rotterdam and Founder, trainer and coach, IN transities - the Netherlands 

I met Danny and Hélène in the midst of a personal journey and a process of self- inquiry. They were my facilitators in the SGLA program. My connection and attraction to them was immediate and powerful.

For the past 3 years, Danny and Helena have accompanied me in a personal and powerful transformative process. With great generosity, infinite tenderness and endless patience, they share their great wisdom with me and help me grow and grow. There is no doubt that they are a big and important part of who I am today personally and professionally. I thank them for that from the bottom of my heart.

Dana Argov Tikotzky - Practical Strategist - Executive Advisor - Israel

The words that keep coming back to me are ‘Coming Home’. You create a safe space - in nature and at the kitchen table - and deeply read and listen to those you are with and help them progress on their journeys with wonderfully poignant questions. The journey is one about emptying up and has homecoming as its destination - via self-to-source

You raise self-awareness and trust the audience to grapple with these questions to find their own answers. Finding /reconnecting with their essence.

Frank Eggink - Co-founder at Heartwork - Growth mentorship & Strategic transformation the Netherlands

From chaos, panic attacks, and confusion, I stumbled over the threshold at Danny & Hélène. I learned about softness, ego, my okay place, the connection with nature, my fire, the fire, stones, and my talents. Wow! In the meantime, my friends and family look with admiration at the development I have gone through. And it keeps tasting like more.

Charlotte Meijers - Team leader  Builders & Explorers of the Montessori School Campus Almere - The Netherlands


We were invited to Oakton Community College Chicago, Illinois, USA, to give a workshop about Personal Values and authenticity. For some of the student reflections, see below

This week I missed a day of class. The day I went we learned about values and expressing ourselves is needed in our lives. I learned about everyones values in life and how it affects them in their daily lives, and also when they don't come into play in their lives. The two things I value are loyalty and respect. These two values impact my daily life in a great way, everyday I stay loyal to a routine of working, working out and going to school. I also value respect, I grew up in a family where respect is given until it isn't, everyone I know and I talk I treat with respect, and I expect the same. Everyday these two specific values come into play when it comes to meeting new people or just me going on throughout the day. It's important to stay to these, to give you the best opportunity to be the best you can everyday. What stood out to me on this day was everyone expressing themselves, you usually don't see that in bigger groups, especially in school. It was great to see everyone explaining how they feel, that meant the activities we did really did help. I would like to know more about how our values impact us more than we think, everyone has values that they just don't express. How does every value impact one another's life? Is there one value that everyone has in common in the world? How do these values make people the person they are today? There are multiple factors that can come in to play with values, its an endless cycle of questions.

Student Oakton Community College Chicago - USA

Transitioning into Wednesday, we had special guests that had exciting plans for us. Out of everything we did that day, the values and campfire activity was the most interesting. It was nice to silently have time to reflect on our values, even if it was only for a few minutes. When choosing my two values, being caring and spreading positivity popped into my head quickly. I think I have always tried to be these two things even when I did not realize it. So doing this activity was a beautiful way of noticing that about myself. I also became self-aware of the parts of my life I needed to improve. I loved hearing everyone's values, I always enjoy hearing others share anything about themselves no matter what it is. If I could, I would have wanted to learn more. Everyone sharing personal aspects of themselves was refreshing to hear because it shows how we are all just human. At the beginning of the class I was not expecting any of this, but I am glad I was able to be a part of it.


Student Oakton Community College Chicago - USA

When the guest teachers from the Netherlands visited us, it became clear that they are
extremely in tune with understanding people’s behavior and could read the room in an impressive and eye-opening way. They paid attention to how we interacted, which gave
them insights into how we think and communicate. Watching them pick up on
details that might have gone unnoticed otherwise was fascinating. I forgot to ask about the potential feedback on myself/how I present myself, and where I could improve. I'm sure their feedback would help
me grow personally and professionally.

 Student Oakton Community College Chicago - USA


Lisa Cherivtch MBA CGBP, Business Education Innovator / Global Marketing, Oakton Community College Chicago Illinois - USA

Video Testimonials about the Leadership program


Suzana Dabéss - Founder and CEO of Udhara Holistic Association - Transformation Therapist. - Brazil 


Laurie Mckinley Avakian - Controller and Finance ERP Implementation Specialist. - USA